Peter Grangaard, PA-C
Peter Grangaard, PA-C, received his Bachelor of Arts from Pepperdine University and achieved a Master of Science from Western University of Health Sciences in 2016. Originally from Malibu, California, he comes from a broad background including eight years of experience in rheumatology. Prior to becoming a physician’s assistant, he worked as an emergency medical technician with Fire and Rescue and a medical scribe in the fields of otolaryngology, urology, orthopedics, and podiatry.
Peter is a professional member of the American Academy of Physicians Assistants, the Minnesota Academy of Physicians Assistants, and a Certified Clinical Densitomitrist (CCD). He believes in providing care for a wide variety of rheumatologic conditions and has experience diagnosing and managing long-term patients along with providing immediate attention during active disease flares. Peter is skilled in performing an extensive range of injections and aspirations for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes including joint and bursa injections. Peter is also passionate and dedicated to managing osteoporosis in Venice’s patient population.
Throughout his career, Peter has committed himself to improving the lives of others. In 2008, he spent a year in Quito, Ecuador, treating pediatric patients and managing the child sponsorship program for His Children Orphanage. Peter enjoys travel and culture, having written international culture articles for an Ohio Newspaper and being fluent in Spanish and conversational in Italian. He loves practicing his linguistic skills with his two young children and his patients.