David Greenfield, MD, FACR
- Board-certified Rheumatologist
Dr. David Greenfield received his Bachelor of Arts degree from The Ohio State University in 1974. He then went to NY Medical College and graduated with a medical degree in 1980. He did his internal medicine internship and residency at the Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC, from 1980-1983. He became board-certified in internal medicine in 1983 and then completed a two-year rheumatology fellowship at the Washington Hospital Center.
He and his wife, along with his then three-week-old baby girl, moved to Venice in the summer of 1985. Dr. Greenfield and his wife “hung out his shingle” and started a solo rheumatology practice. He was board-certified in rheumatology in 1986. He also became a Founding Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology that same year. For 30 years he was the only full-time, board-certified rheumatologist in Venice.
In 2013 he joined the Gulf Coast Medical Group and then retired at the end of 2018. Retirement didn’t “stick” as he longed for the challenge and reward of treating all types of rheumatologic patients.
Dr. Greenfield has a special interest in osteoporosis, inflammatory rheumatologic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, and systemic lupus), and vasculitis (polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis). He also treats osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis.
In his leisure time, Dr. Greenfield enjoys tennis, biking, photography, cooking, and, most especially, FaceTime (although preferably in person) with his precious three-year-old granddaughter.