Sacroiliac Joint Injections (SIJ) | Restore Medical Partners | Venice, FL
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Many patients who present with lower back pain may actually have a condition known as sacroiliac dysfunction or sacroiliitis. The sacroiliac joint is where the hip meets the spine, and is actually a large minimally-mobile joint. As such, this joint can become arthritic and painful. Sacroiliac dysfunction is more common in women than men, and is often a piece of the back/hip pain puzzle.

Restore Medical Partners physicians accurately perform sacroiliac joint injections under x-ray guidance, introducing corticosteroid into the region to abate inflammation and provide less painful mobility of the joint. Combined with stretching and mild exercise post-procedure, SI injections can be very effective in reducing or eliminating sacral pain.

In some cases radio-frequency ablation (RFA) technology can be applied to the area in addition to the initial injection, effectively disrupting the sacral nerves’ ability to transmit pain and providing long-term pain relief.