Spinal Cord Stimulation | Restore Medical Partners | Venice, FL
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Advances in technology have paved the way for a revolution in neuropathic pain control with the use of spinal cord stimulation. Restore Medical Partners physicians employ spinal cord stimulators (SCS’s) to provide options to patients who have failed traditional therapies for radiating nerve pain. A multitude of options now exist for patients who are struggling with these limiting nerve pain conditions.

Spinal cord stimulator implants work by transmitting signals that interrupt the nerve’s ability to transmit pain to the brain. After a trial procedure to test the stimulator’s effect on reducing nerve pain, the SCS device is implanted and can be programmed in a multitude of ways in order to best match the patient’s needs. Spinal cord stimulation represents the cutting edge of pain medicine. If you struggle with radiating nerve pain, an SCS might be right for you.

To understand more about how spinal cord stimulators work:


Frequently asked questions about scs:


To learn more about burst stimulation: