Durable Medical Equipment (DME) - Restore Medical Partners

Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

DME options are utilized in preventing injuries, treating chronic conditions, treating pain, and in rehabilitation management. Restore Medical Partners provides on-site DME services, including external bracing, supports, and devices to better manage your pain.

Spinal braces are prescribed as a crucial component of treatment. Restore offers a range of Aspen braces as a conservative, easy-to-use treatment option to promote a controlled environment for healing and help restore daily activities.

Aspen Medical Products

Aspen has long been recognized as an industry leader in spinal bracing technology.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Vista® MultiPost Therapy Collar

The Vista® MultiPost Therapy Collar is designed to reduce symptoms associated with cervical conditions and promotes an enhanced environment for healing.
Back brace

Summit™ 637 LSO

The Summit 637 LSO delivers targeted compression, motion restriction, and maximal comfort. This brace is available in a one-size adjustable and in the original sized versions.
Back brace

Horizon™ 637 LSO

The Horizon™ 637 LSO provides trunk stability and targeted compression designed to support fatigued muscles causing secondary back pain resulting from surgery or injury.
extension panels

Horizon™ Extension Panels

Wrap Knee Brace with Free ROM

Wrap Knee Brace with Free ROM